Terms and Conditions for Thryve Financial Hub

Terms of Service:

Welcome to Thryve Financial Hub.  By accessing this space, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement.  By entering into this Agreement, you are confirming that you are legally and financially responsible for all actions using or accessing these online community services.  You are also agreeing to confidentiality and intellectual property restrictions.  We as the Community may modify terms at any time, and if we do make such changes, we will provide notification by either posting on the website or via electronic communications.  If you, as the Member, breach these terms, we may take action against you, including but not limited to terminating your access to the online community, and not reimburse or refund you previously owed payments due to suspension or termination of access and seek monetary/ injunction relief.    

Now, therefore, in consideration of the terms and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree to the following terms and conditions.

Services Between the Parties:

Thryve Financial Hub ("Community") agrees to provide you ("Member") with access to the Thryve Financial Hub. This access is never to replace your own accountant or CPA services but rather to enhance your financial education.  This is in a community and Thryve takes no responsibility for the accuracy or effectiveness of comments or guidance provided by other Member subscribers.  With the constant changes to laws and regulations, all postings by the Community are accurate at time of postings and may be ineffective or inaccurate after the posting date. 

Community expects a professional decorum when commenting on the online platform and may suspend or terminate subscription services if Member does not act in a professional manner and abide by the Thryve Financial Hub Code of Conduct to ensure continued access.

The Thryve Financial Hub Code of Conduct

All information and content provided by Thryve Financial Hub is accurate at the time of posting. Community members are responsible for their decisions made referencing information within the Community. The Thryve Financial Hub is not responsible for advice, posts, comments, or recommendations provided by other members.

You are responsible for your own conduct while accessing our Community and content and for any consequences as a result of misconduct as outlined here. By accessing Thryve Financial Hub you agree to refrain from the following:

  • Soliciting or providing on any of our channels, offers relating to your own products, services, website, or content.
  • Allowing anyone other than you to use your login information to access your account.
  • Using the services or content available within the Community for commercial or promotional purposes.
  • Distribute, share, trade, sell, make a copy of, or otherwise transfer any content, services, products, or offerings with anyone who has not opted in, downloaded, or purchased the content themselves.
  • Modify or delete any portion of the content on Thryve Financial Hub.
  • Remove, disable, circumvent, deactivate, or otherwise modify any proprietary notice or label or technological measure implemented to protect the content or services.
  • Discriminate or make discriminatory comments of any kind against other members of this Community.
  • Engage in any form of intimidation against other members of the Community.
  • Harass, stalk, or make any other inappropriate comments or actions towards other members of the Community.
  • Infringing on the privacy of others while using the Thryve Financial Hub.

Violation of the above will result in discontinuation of access to our Community and any content/products inclusive of it immediately.  

Term and Termination:

This Agreement will self-renew on a month-to-month basis. 

Community shall have the option to immediately terminate this agreement in the event Member fails or refuses to comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement, including failing to pay for subscription services; displays unprofessional comments or activity; violates the Thryve Financial Hub Code of Conduct, or acts in a fraudulent or dishonest manner.

Payment of Services:

All payments will be immediately collectible and non-refundable.  Any failure to pay will result in immediate service access termination.

Nondisclosure of Confidential Information

During this Agreement, Client shall have access to certain information which is not generally public knowledge through entering the Thryve Financial Hub.  Such information accessed through Thryve Financial Hub may be considered (collectively, “Confidential Information”).  During the term of this Agreement and thereafter, Client shall hold all Confidential Information in the strictest of confidence and shall, not, voluntarily, or involuntary, use, sell, transfer, publish, disclose, or otherwise make available to others any portion of the Confidential Information or related materials.  Other online community members’ identities and comments are also considered Confidential Information and must be preserved and safeguarded using the same or a greater level of care as member uses to protect its own confidential information.  Upon termination of this Agreement, Member will keep all confidential information confidential and not disclose after termination. 

Intellectual Property

As a member of Thryve’s online community, Member will be granted access to Community Intellectual Property, such as content, programs, and offerings, for Member’s personal use.  Member agrees not to share, disseminate, or to use Community content for commercial purposes without express written consent from Community.  Member acknowledges and agrees that Community’s Intellectual Property has substantial value, and that Community has invested considerable time, effort, dedication, and money in creating the intellectual property.

Community and Member may each own rights to their own Intellectual Property, which may include trademarks, trade secrets, tradenames, patents, and copyrights, whether registered or not.  No license or transfer of either party’s intellectual property rights is contemplated by this Agreement, other than Member’s right to access Community’s content for Member’s own private use.

All other materials used by Member must be pre-approved by Community and use monitored.  All intellectual property of Community shall remain exclusively with Community and all intellectual property of Member shall remain exclusively with Member.  Member agrees not to infringe on any third party’s intellectual property rights when posting in the online community.


None of the content, programs, or offerings found on this community online platform shall be considered legal, financial, or accounting advice and you should consult with your professional advisers to answer specific questions related to your situation.  Although we try to provide uninterrupted 24/7 access to the community, there may be periodic outages, scheduled repair/maintenance, update periods, or technical issues that are out of our control.  You acknowledge and agree that the Community is not responsible or liable for any damages, costs, losses, or refunds in connection with any such interruptions. 

Indemnification, Assumption of the Risk and Non-Disparagement

To the extent permitted by law, Member agrees to indemnify the Community and hold the Community harmless from any and all claims, demands, actions, losses, damages, assessments, charges, costs, expenses, or judgments resulting from or arising out of any breach of the indemnifying party’s responsibilities under this Agreement, any claim resulting from or arising out of any act or omission by the indemnifying party in connection with services, and any claim resulting from or arising out of any neglect or intentional act or omission of any of the indemnifying party’s employees, sub-agents or representatives. 

There is no warranty or guarantee of outcome from services.  Member understands that there may be some risks, known or unknown, associated with the services provided by the Community.  Member knowingly and voluntarily accepts any and all risks, foreseeable or unforeseeable, arising from the services.  By entering into this Agreement, Member releases Community from any and all damages that may result from services.  Member agrees that Community shall not be held liable for any damages of any kind resulting or arising from including but not limited to; direct, indirect, incidental, special, or exemplary damages happening from the use or misuse of the community access services and any and all comments by other client participants.

Both parties appreciate the need to retain the reputation of their company/selves and agree to not make any statements whether written, oral, electronic, or otherwise which are negative, disparaging or, or detrimental to each other’s businesses, its employees, services, business image, or reputation or otherwise act in any manner that would damage the reputation of the other to the community at large, including on social media. 

No Assignment

This Agreement shall not be assigned by either Party to anyone else under any circumstances.

Jurisdiction and Dispute Resolution

This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio.  Member and Community shall in good faith first attempt to resolve any controversy, dispute or disagreement arising out of or relating to this Agreement by face-to-face negotiations.  If any such controversy, dispute or disagreement is not resolved in an amicable manner it shall be submitted by way of normal legal means in the State of Ohio.

Entire Understanding

This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties concerning the subject matter hereof and supersedes any and all previous agreements between the parties relating thereto.  This Agreement cannot be amended or modified in any respect, unless such amendment or modification is evidenced by a written instrument executed by both Community and Member.


If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be invalid, illegal, void, or otherwise unenforceable by any court or competent jurisdiction, the validity, legality, and enforceability of the other provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby.  Any invalid, illegal, void or otherwise unenforceable provision of this Agreement shall be severable, and after any such severance, all other provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect. 

The parties agree to the terms and conditions of the Agreement by checking the box next to “I agree to the Terms and Conditions”.